The Clarks will share their adventures of visits they made to two lesser-known areas of China. The first stop will be Guiholz Province, an area populated by ethnically diverse groups of people who have been isolated from modern culture for centuries.
The Clarks will share their adventures of visits they made to two lesser-known areas of China. The first stop will be Guiholz Province, an area populated by ethnically diverse groups of people who have been isolated from modern culture for centuries. Their isolation is reflected in their dress, their culture, and their way of life. Next the Clarkes will share their experiences among the people of Fuijan Province.
Future travelogues with the Clarkes include a trip to visit the Bushmen of the Kalahari on October 27 and then on to Ethiopia on November 30. All of the programs will take place in the meeting room of the library at 25 Main Street and are scheduled to begin at 7:30 pm.
Call the library at 426-4533 to reserve a place. Refreshments will be served.