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 The Bible, From Scratch



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 The Bible, From Scratch

WASHINGTON GREEN — How does anyone take the Bible seriously without taking it literally? “The Bible from Scratch,” a course offered by the First Congregational Church of Washington, will suggest answers to that question.

The class will be led by the Reverend Cheryl Anderson, and is open to the public. Two sessions will be offered each week to fit different schedules: Mondays at 7 pm, starting September 27, or Wednesdays at 10 am, starting September 29.

Participants will explore the origins and historical development of the collection of books, known today as the Bible. While learning to find their way around in the scriptures, students will discuss various methods of modern and historical interpretation.

This autumn class will run ten weeks and focus on the Hebrew Scriptures, which Christians have traditionally called the “Old Testament” and that Jews call the “Tanakh.” People from other faith traditions as well as Christians who never attended Sunday School are welcome.

The basic text for the class is The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners by Donald L. Griggs. Copies can be ordered upon registration.

The class will meet in the church’s Parish House at 6 Kirby Road. Another ten-session class is planned for the spring, focusing on the New Testament.

For more information or to register for the class call the First Congregational Church office at 860-868-0569.

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