World News Day — Why #JournalismMatters Locally, Globally
Storytelling as a means of sharing information has been a constant in our world, likely predating even the most primitive cave drawings dating back more than 45,000 years.
But unlike stories related by Colonial town criers, neighbors yakking over backyard fences, friends chatting during late night phone calls, and most recently across social networks, most engaged citizens still prefer (and trust) credible news reporting researched and curated by trained, dedicated professionals.
Whether they are embedded somewhere in the world on the front lines of battles, mayhem, or pestilence — chasing down subjects or public officials who may prefer to keep critical news secret, or dutifully covering much of their own community’s more mundane happenings and activities, the overwhelming number of professional journalists have come to their positions because it is so much more a calling than a job.
So it is with great pride and professional comradery that our small but resolute editorial staff at The Newtown Bee is joining with organizations from The Washington Post, Reuters, and The Guardian, to The Sacramento Bee, The King’s County Record, The Austin Chronicle, and hundreds of other newspapers to reinforce the fact that #JournalismMatters, not just on World News Day, September 28, but 365 days a year.
World News Day is an ambitious, worldwide initiative intended to draw global public attention to the role that journalists play in providing trustworthy news and information that serves citizens and democracy. It also serves as a means to display support for journalists and their audiences, who using facts and understanding, make the world a better place.
On September 28, World News Day will highlight the critical importance of providing trustworthy information about the climate crisis and helping news consumers make informed decisions about our planet’s future. We face a common threat in the degradation of our planet, and it is a universal theme the largest and smallest news agencies can use to demonstrate why #JournalismMatters.
While Newtown has not yet experienced the prolonged impact of climate change, it has felt the effects of global warming in the form of overcast skies resulting from western wildfires, along with flooding, tropical storms, a near tornadic macroburst causing millions in damage, heat waves, arctic cold snaps, warmer winters, and this year’s longer, cooler spring.
On an intersecting note, last year we learned through a survey promoted by our own Economic and Community Development agency that one of the most endearing aspects that draws and keeps folks here in Newtown is its rich variety of green spaces. Through the survey, in part seeking to identify our community’s “brand story,” we learned that Newtown offers a unique retreat from the city where small businesses and families can grow and thrive by nature, and the preservation of our green spaces and natural resources is a priority for many residents.
With this in mind, in the coming weeks and months, your Newtown Bee aims to enhance our focus on how climate change is impacting our community. Readers will see stepped-up coverage on how Newtowners are committed to preserving our treasured environmental assets locally — while in no small way, playing a role in combating and eventually reversing or at least stalling the damage negatively impacting our shared environment globally.
And we look forward to hearing from you about how you plan to make, or already are making, that happen, so we can share those stories with the entire community.
Only trustworthy,unbiased journalists can provide ‘trustworthy information’. Does anybody really trust Washington Post, Reuters, The Guardian, etc to provide ‘trustworthy information’? I dare say ‘engaged’ citizens know better.
go woke, go broke.
…do you mean ‘get woke, go broke’?