CHARLES & DIANA are feist terrier mixes. They are approximately 3 months old, loving, and affectionate. They are great with children and other dogs. Charles and Diana are spayed/neutered and up to date on vaccines. Â
CHARLES & DIANA are feist terrier mixes. They are approximately 3 months old, loving, and affectionate. They are great with children and other dogs. Charles and Diana are spayed/neutered and up to date on vaccines. Â
STONE is a beautiful neutered lab mix who has been rescued. He is 3 years old, up to date on all vaccinations, very sweet, and well-trained. He weighs about 60 pounds and is tri-colored.
SCOOBY is a gorgeous, shiny black kitten. He is 3 months old and has a lean look, showing some Siamese heritage. He moves gracefully, even when doing silly kitten playing. He is very loving and friendly. Scooby gets along great with children and other cats, and loves everyone he meets. Scooby is neutered and current on vaccines.
JETT is a loving, outgoing, playful, and sweet kitten. He enjoys playing with furry toys and gets along very well with other cats. He is neutered and current on vaccines.
LIMONCELLO is a super affectionate, playful, and purry 4 month old kitten. She adores everyone she meets and would adjust easily to a new home environment. She is spayed and current on vaccines.
GIMLET is a gentle and purry dilute calico. She is spayed and current on vaccines.
CHICKLET is a loving and friendly calico kitten. She is spayed and current on vaccines.
LUNA is a gorgeous, gray and white 5 month old kitten whom Animal Center officials suspect has Siamese lineage. She is friendly, outgoing and loves to play. Luna is spayed and current on vaccines.
BARNEY loves to play and have cuddles, and he has the biggest eyes youâve ever seen. He is neutered and current on vaccines.Â
WILLOW is also known as âBaby Girl.â She is a sweet little kitten with the nicest temperament. She loves hugs and will happily follow you around all day, and then settle on your lap for a nap. She is spayed and current on vaccines.
Good news: Tanti Bacci, Charlie, and Touche have been adopted.
The Animal Center is an all volunteer, non-profit animal welfare charity. Programs include: A foster-based, no-kill rescue and adoption program for homeless and injured cats and kittens; a Feral Cat Assistance Program that provides spay/neuter and vaccination assistance to caregivers of free-roaming, unowned cats in the community; and a dog rescue program that saves adoptable dogs scheduled for euthanasia. The Animal Center is a 501 (c)3 publicly-supported charity and relies heavily on the support of the public and generous volunteers. For more information, visit The Animal Center online at  Â