Relief For The Pets
Relief For The Pets
To the Editor:
I wish to thank all of our clients who generously donated dog and cat food and treats for the pets affected by Hurricane Katrina. All of your donations, as well as the medical supplies requested from veterinary agencies in Louisiana, are on the way to help those animals who were injured, abandoned, or displaced during the disaster. Your generosity was overwhelming, and I was proud to join you all in the relief efforts for our friends in need.
If there are others who would like to make monetary donations to this part of the rescue effort, checks may be sent to: Dr Walter Ernst, Jr Veterinary Memorial Foundation, 8550 United Plaza Boulevard, Suite 1001, Baton Rouge LA 70809 or by calling the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association at 800-524-2996.
Again, I thank you all for your concern and donations.
Dr Neal Warner
Newtown Animal Clinic
98 South Main Street, Newtown                      September 18, 2005