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Honor Scudder Smith By Subscribing To ‘The Bee’



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To the Editor:

I was saddened by the death of Scudder Smith. He was a remarkable man.

He gave so much to the town (the Pleasance among other things) and, above all, continued the existence of The Newtown Bee.

I have been thinking about a way to honor this special man. It took some time but I think I now have such a way.

I strongly believe that anyone involved in the town, either as a volunteer or in some official capacity, should subscribe to The Bee.

Our newspaper covers everything that is going on in town and if you are involved in the town, you should know these things. Even if a person does not take part in anything to do with the town it would be good for him or her to read the newspaper to see what is happening.

My memorial then would be if you, as a current reader of The Bee, would urge your friends to subscribe to our good paper.

We all have read of the precarious position of so many magazines and newspapers these days so it is important that we keep the ones we love afloat.

So do your part and urge your friends to subscribe — it will be a fitting memorial to Scudder.


Gordon M. Williams


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