Walczak — Putting Partisanship Aside
To the Editor:
I am writing to endorse Bruce Walczak for the Board of Education. You’ll have to search a little bit to find Bruce on the ballot this November 7 because he’s running as an Independent, but that’s exactly the point.
As I’ve watched the political scene in Newtown over the past several years, there’s a quiet but burgeoning movement to start setting aside the sharp edges of national partisanship and focus on doing what’s right for Newtown.
If you think about it, there’s probably more local issues we agree on as members of the Newtown community than we disagree about. We have to put those sharp edges of partisanship aside and focus on working together. Bruce has a proven track record of being able to do that.
Bruce has been involved in the United Way, the Lions Club, and Junior Achievement for a number of years. He’s formerly the president of what is now Newtown Youth and Family Services. He’s serving his second stint on the Economic Development Commission and has worked with Dan Rosenthal on the Newtown Business Advisory Council.
This is a record of long involvement in community-based organizations that unquestionably work to make Newtown better … helping Newtown families, helping Newtown business, helping Newtown grow. It’s a pretty impressive record, and it’s non-partisan.
Bruce believes in compromise and collaboration, and he strongly supports the continued growth and development of Newtown schools, although, as a small businessman himself, he understands that we have to spend our money wisely. My family and I have worked with Bruce on a couple of community projects over the years, and although he certainly has opinions, he never loses sight of getting the job done with the greatest benefit to the community.
Spend one of your Board of Education votes to give him a term on the Board. It’s a smart choice.
Peter Schwarz