My Choice For BOE Is Bruce Walczak
To the Editor:
There is a saying, “if you want something done give it to someone who is busy.” Whoever came up with that phrase had Bruce Walczak in mind.
He is president of his own successful relocation business and still takes the time to service his community in many different capacities.
I met Bruce thru the Newtown Lions Club where he was president, held different directorship positions, and always stepped up to support different committees.
Bruce is a people person who’s life revolves around helping people. He doesn’t understand the word NO, and when he commits to something it’s like “money in the bank.”
An example is recently a need was established by the Newtown Lions Club to address hunger in our community. As we all know, finding people to chair committees is not only difficult but to step up and be successful is even more impressive.
On the 30th of September the Newtown Lions Club in partnership with the Big Y will be conducting a fundraiser to address hunger. I have all the confidence in the world that it will be successful due to Bruce’s involvement.
How many candidates for public office spell out how they are preparing themselves for the position they are running for. I was very impressed that he took the time to educate me and the public.
My wife and I will be supporting Bruce on November 7th and we hope everyone joins us to vote for a candidate who will make a difference.
Frank Gardner
Sandy Hook