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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Endorsement: Neil Chaudhary For Police Commission



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To the Editor:

Newtowners, I am proud to endorse Neil Chaudhary for re-election to the Police Commission. Having served alongside Neil for several years on the commission, I have had the privilege of witnessing his unwavering commitment to our town, the police department, and its dedicated officers.

Neil’s leadership on the commission has been nothing short of inspiring. He possesses a unique ability to prioritize the needs of our community and law enforcement while maintaining a steadfast commitment to bipartisanship. In an era marked by divisiveness, Neil’s approach to decision-making has been a breath of fresh air, consistently upholding the collaborative spirit that this commission has always strived for.

Knowing Neil both professionally and personally, I fervently believe that his primary core competencies rest in his ability to listen, understand, and find common ground. He consistently seeks input from all stakeholders, whether they be citizens or officers, and his decisions reflect a deep understanding of the diverse perspectives within our community.

In these challenging times, Neil Chaudhary’s continued contributions and leadership are precisely what our Police Commission needs. His proven track record, commitment to unity, and dedication to the well-being of our town make him the ideal candidate for re-election. I wholeheartedly endorse Neil Chaudhary and urge our community to support him in continuing his vital work on the Police Commission.


Andy Sachs


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