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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Politics And Morality



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To the Editor:

Thomas Jefferson secretly supported the formation of a political opposition to the Washington administration. At the time he is quoted as saying, “When I am elected president there will be no need for political parties,” implying that he had all the answers. But even an American as great as Jefferson certainly did not.

It is a slippery slope when those of one political party declare those of the other party immoral and yet there was a letter to the editor in The Bee just last week that made this claim about voters for Trump: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

For years the leaders of the Democratic party have declared the Republicans and former president Trump, in particular, threats to Democracy. It is obvious that this outrageous demonization led directly or indirectly to the two assassination attempts on presidential candidate Trump. It almost certainly led to the horrendous planning of the Secret Service deployments, in both instances. It is surely behind the feeble follow-up investigation by the FBI and the mainstream media. Let us hope that investigation of the latest attempt is more forthcoming.

For balance, here are just a few examples of immorality on the Left.

1. BidenHarris closed Bagram Air base before they completed the withdrawal of hundreds of Americans and thousands of Afghan allies in their disastrous Afghanistan pullout, and without giving a heads-up to their British or Afghan counterparts, yet there were no cries by the Left that this was immoral or incompetent or both!

2. For forty-four months, BidenHarris has let almost completely unfettered transport of fentanyl over the open southern border leading to the deaths of hundreds of Americans daily. Any cries of immorality from the Left? Very few.

3. Any complaints about the immorality of violating the right to a speedy trial for the Jan6 defendants, most of whom waited a year or 18 months in jail without bail, for judgment on misdemeanor charges? Often these charges were embellished with innovative excess charges since shot down by the Supreme Court. Silence by the Left.

4. BidenHarris, in authoritarian fashion, mandated a controversial vaccine on the public, government employees and the military. The treatment of pregnant women was especially egregious and was hardly “safe and effective” as per The Pfizer Notes. The administration mandated vaccination even for those protected from Covid by their antibodies derived from previous Covid infection. If these poor souls refused vaccination they were ostracized and often lost their jobs! The Left still does not acknowledge this immorality.

This country cannot remain in its present state for much longer, I fear, if one side believes they are morally superior, and everyone else is a traitor. I pray that most of us, on both sides, will respect the opinions of others, realizing that they come from a spirit of patriotism and love of America. My personal experience in Newtown and Connecticut is that this is so, but somehow the closer one gets to Washington and national politics the bigger the fissures become.

Steve Landin


A letter from Steve Landin.
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