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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown Needs A New Voice In Hartford



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To the Editor:

A new voice in Hartford is what Newtown needs.

For too long Newtown has not had a seat at the majority table in Hartford. We have not been heard, we have had nobody in the room when it is needed. It’s time to change that by electing Michelle Embree Ku for the 106th State Assembly District. Dr Ku has the work ethic, knowledge and experience to ensure that our voices are truly represented in Hartford. She has led a statewide task force while chairing our Board of Education, she represented Newtown as a member of CABE. She has earned the support by working hard for all of our families in her time on our Board of Education, Legislative Council and now Board of Selectman. Let’s make sure our voice is at the table in Hartford by electing her as our State Representative.

This letter is my opinion and not indicative of the Legislative Council on which I serve.

Eric Paradis

Sandy Hook

A letter from Eric Paradis.
Comments are open. Be civil.

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