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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Fundamental Threat To Democracy



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To the Editor,

I submitted a letter for your August 23rd edition (“Cherish Free And Fair Elections That Are Foundation Of Democracy”), regarding widespread belief that we don’t have free and fair elections in our country. More information is coming in on this and the picture is not good.

Today’s news includes a disturbing story in The Hill, a respected political publication that is relied on by both political parties. “Almost half of Republicans say they won’t accept election results if their candidate loses.” This portends more turmoil and dysfunction following the election. This belief that a Republican loss must be due to fraud, factually baseless, originated from Donald Trump and his supporters. There is zero evidence of widespread fraud in our 2020 election. Repeat: there is zero evidence of widespread fraud in our 2020 election.

This harmful delusion should be addressed by Republican leaders at the national, state and local levels. All politics is local. Mitch Bolinsky, Tony Hwang, Jeff Capeci, please make your voices heard on this critical issue. Thanks in advance for displaying wisdom and fortitude as our local leaders.

Peter Van Buskirk


A letter from Peter Van Buskirk.
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