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Travel BasketballTryout Schedule



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Travel Basketball

Tryout Schedule


Due to unforseen events, some dates and locations of travel basketball tryouts have been changed. Please disregard the original schedule in the Parks and Recreation 2000 Fall Preview and use the following revised schedule. We are sorry for any inconvenience associated with these changes.

The parent’s meeting for those interested in having their child try out for a travel team will be held on Wednesday, September 27, from 7 to 8:30 pm, in the Newtown Middle School cafeteria.

LEVEL                        DATE                                  TIME                              LOCATION

5th Grade Boys                    Monday, October 2                          6 to 7:30 pm                              Hawley

5th Grade Boys                    Wednesday, October 11                  6 to 7:30 pm                              Hawley

6th Grade Boys                    Monday, October 2                          7:30 to 9 pm                              Hawley

6th Grade Boys                    Wednesday, October 11                  7:30 to 9 pm                              Hawley

5th/6th Grade Girls             Tuesday, October 3                         6 to 7:30 pm                              NMS Gym B

5th/6th Grade Girls             Thursday, October 5                       6 to 7:30 pm                              NMS Gym B

7th Grade Boys                    Tuesday, October 3                         7:30 to 9 pm                              NMS Gym B

7th Grade Boys                    Friday, October 6                            7:30 to 9 pm                              Hawley

7th Grade Girls                    Tuesday, October 3                         6 to 7:30 pm                              NMS Gym A

7th Grade Girls                    Thursday, October 5                       7:30 to 9 pm                              NMS Gym B

8th Grade Boys                    Wednesday, October 4                    7:30 to 9 pm                              NMS Gym A

8th Grade Boys                    Wednesday, October 11                  7:30 to 9 pm                              Hawley

8th Grade Girls                    Tuesday, October 3                         7:30 to 9 pm                              NMS Gym A

8th Grade Girls                    Friday, October 6                            6 to 7:30 pm                              Hawley

The youth basketball leagues are sponsored by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Department and administered by the Newtown Youth Basketball Board of Directors (Jack Shpunt, president). Anyone interested in coaching at any level should contact Mr Shpunt at 426-1935.

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