Directed by Jane Farnol, the production will be a bawdy and physical interpretation of Shakespeare's classic battle of the sexes comedy. Men and women ranging in age from 20 and up are needed.
Directed by Jane Farnol, the production will be a bawdy and physical interpretation of Shakespeareâs classic battle of the sexes comedy. Men and women ranging in age from 20 and up are needed.
Those auditioning will read from the script. All roles are available.
The auditions will be held at TheatreWorks from 7 to 9 pm on Monday, September 25, and Tuesday, September 26. Rehearsals are scheduled to begin in October and the show will run weekends, December 1 through New Yearâs Eve (December 31).
Please note that actors and directors at TheatreWorks are volunteers and no pay is given. For directions to the theatre, which is at 5 Brookside Avenue, call the TheatreWorks box office at 860/350-6863.