New Sergeant Takes Oath At Police Department
Tuesday, September 8, marked a milestone in the law enforcement career of Scott Smith at the Newtown Police Department, as he took his oath of office for sergeant from Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia Halstead.
As Sergeant Smith, 32, recited his oath, his wife Sara looked on, while holding their twin daughters Natalie and Nora, who are 1½ years old.
Many friends and family members, as well as colleagues and town officials, attended the event held in the main classroom at the police station.
The Police Commission had promoted Mr Smith to the rank of sergeant on September 1, after having interviewed the three top candidates for the position. Sgt Smith joined the police department in July 2007.
Captain Joe Rios, who served as master of ceremonies in the absence of Police Chief Michael Kehoe, lauded Sgt Smith’s academic abilities, terming him a “a very intelligent, high IQ man.”
Capt Rios noted that Sgt Smith was the top-ranked member among 39 students at the Waterbury Police Academy in 2007, where he received his municipal law enforcement training.
Capt Rios said Sgt Smith has had various police duties in his eight years at the police department, including patrol officer, school resource officer, and field training officer.
Sgt Smith was a 2001 graduate of Shepaug Valley Regional High School in Washington. He later graduated from Millersville University in Millersville, Penn., where he received a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, graduating magna cum laude. He formerly worked as teaching intern at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
In May, Sgt Smith received a law degree from the University of Connecticut School of Law, after which he took the bar exam. The bar exam results are expected in October.
The recipient of a police department award for bravery, Sgt Smith also has served as an emergency medical technician and a firefighter, Capt Rios said.
Capt Rios said that Sgt Smith was the top-ranked candidate for the position of sergeant among the ten town police officers who took the written test for the job. Such performance illustrates effort and is a “true testament to his work ethic,” the captain said.
“He’s a jewel,” Capt Rios added.
“Scott Smith has the ability to go far,” Capt Rios said, adding he expects the sergeant to work his way up through the ranks of the police department.
Commenting on the sergeant’s handling of a past vandalism investigation, the captain termed Sgt Smith’s actions as “community policing at its highest level.”
First Selectman Pat Llodra said, “I want to welcome Scott to the ranks of leadership.”
“Leadership is not simple,” she added.
Police Commission Chairman Paul Mangiafico said of Sgt Smith, “His record is stunning.”
The reward of being in a command position is to apply one’s knowledge and a sense of commitment in seeking to bring the people who are commanded to “a better place,” Mr Mangiafico said.
After the ceremonies, Sgt Smith said he looks forward to working with fellow supervisors and patrol officers at the police department.
Sgt Smith’s promotion brings the police department up to its full complement of seven sergeants.
Sgt Smith’s brother Nicholas is a police officer at the New Milford Police Department.