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Trashing (And Untrashing) Newtown



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Trashing (And Untrashing) Newtown

To the Editor:

Last Saturday morning I participated in Team Newtown’s (Fetzer/Hemingway Selectman Campaign) efforts to improve Newtown by dedicating their kick-off to pick up trash. I worked on Berkshire Road from Riverside to Pole Bridge and was stunned by how much trash was strewn on the side of the road. The experience demonstrated for me the best and worst of Newtown.

I am particularly concerned about the amount of alcohol containers that littered the side of the road. Approximately half of all the garbage I picked up was empty beer, wine, and liquor containers, which to me is an alarming sign of a drinking and driving problem in our town. Fast food and snack wrappers, dirty diapers, soda cans, and plenty of cigarette butts also lined the road. This caused me to wonder, why do some of us feel entitled to throw garbage out of our car windows and care so little about the environment, the beauty of the landscape, and the people who eventually clean up their waste?

My frustration over the sheer volume of trash was surpassed by my appreciation for the generous and giving nature of Newtown that I also witnessed. Thank you to all the drivers who honked and rolled down your windows to thank us. Thanks especially to an anonymous Lion’s Club member who saw us picking up trash and rushed home to bring us ice-cream gift certificates. The Berkshire Road crew picked up so much trash, that despite only starting at the corner of Riverside Road, we ran out of garbage bags by the Graceful Planet, where the owner offered us an entire roll of bags to support our trash pickup efforts.

This collective effort by volunteers is the essence of the Fetzer/Hemingway campaign. It reminds me of the Margaret Mead quote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Regardless of your politics, join Team Newtown in that spirit. “Together we can achieve goals for our town that we could not reach as individuals” (www.teamnewtown.org).  I suggest that a first start is a community-wide commitment to keep our neighborhoods free of litter and surprise the Lion’s Club on “Lose the Litter Day” with less litter.

Together we can make a difference. I am confident that Gary Fetzer and Joe Hemingway have the leadership and vision to improve Newtown and will cultivate this difference.


Addie Sandler

4 Far Horizon, Sandy Hook                                  September 15, 2009

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