Parties And Platforms
Parties And Platforms
To the Editor:
The very nature of a political campaign forces candidates to formulate positions that address the current issues in the community. The public demands that our candidates present their honest and frank positions regarding the reasons why they are candidates and to support their positions in detail and with lucidity. The âplatformâ is the prologue supporting the ideologies of the candidates and the principles of their parties. Without them we are left with platitudes that have little or no political value. A platform clearly identifies the depth and breadth of a partyâs understanding of the contemporary issues in a particular election. A platform represents time spent by members considering, evaluating, and debating the issues before releasing a public statement. It could be said that a party without a platform is a party ignorant of, or dismissive of the issues.
While civility certainly adds to the congeniality of Newtown, of which we fully support, it does little to help lower our taxes or to better understand why those taxes keep going up or to develop a plan that forecasts our needs into the future or to update our policies and procedures or provide for our financial stability. A platform, civilly debated, will allow the public to determine who is best suited to be elected into office.
Honest controversy and debate is necessary. Platforms provide the foundation for debate. I want to know that I can present my case to open minds. Too often we write letters for or against people rather than of issues. I want to know why my political colleagues might disagree with me on the issues. I would also like to know on what issues they might agree with me. Perhaps, just perhaps, some little common ground might cause us to focus on those things that bring us together, for the overall good of Newtown, rather than that which divides us.
We should want to know that each of us is capable of having our minds changed after reasonable and factual debate. It should not be considered a loss if after hearing a more convincing argument that one might change their mind in support of anotherâs position, whether advocate or opponent. Platforms provide the basis with which to establish meaningful discourse. The benefits of such debates will accrue to our citizens.
The Independent Party of Newtown has presented detailed platforms in the 2007 election, as well as for this current 2009 election. The issues that we identify are open for discussion. We invite all those interested in knowing more about our candidates and positions to go to our website: and review our profiles, read our platform, ask us questions and get answers. Our platform identifies what we consider important and where we will be directing our efforts.
The Newtown Bee will be conducting another First Selectman Candidatesâ Debate, October 19, from 7:30 to 9 pm, at the Edmond Town Hall Theater. It is important that you be there and submit questions.
A.P. Roznicki
169 Hanover Road, Newtown                             September 15, 2009