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Get A Shot, Not The Flu, Saturday



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Newtown Health District and Bethel VNA will be conducting flu shot clinics in September and October.

The first is scheduled for this weekend at Newtown Community Center, 8 Simpson Street.

The clinic will be conducted Saturday, September 19, from 9 am until noon, by appointment only, to ensure that everyone can be safely accommodated.

The clinic will have preservative-free quadrivalent flu vaccine available for ages 6 months and older, Flublok for ages 18 and over, and egg-free vaccine options. Preservative-free, high-dose flu vaccine for ages 65 and over will be available as supply allows.

Most insurance plans will be billed directly for the vaccine including Aetna, Anthem BC/BS, ConnectiCare, Harvard Pilgrim, Medicare Part B, and Medicare Advantage Plans with Aetna, Anthem, and ConnectiCare.

Insurance cards will need to be shown at the clinic.

For those without a participating insurance plan, payment will be accepted by cash, check, health savings account, and debit or credit card.

There is no charge for anyone age 18 and under, regardless of insurance carrier.

Appointments will be available in 15-minute blocks, with up to four people per vaccinator per block.

Appointments must be made by contacting Newtown Health District at 203-270-4291 or maureen.schaedler@newtown-ct.gov to secure a spot. Those making appointments should also make sure they receive a confirmation for their requested time; call the Health District office before 4 pm Friday if confirmation has not been received by that time.

In addition to insurance cards, those attending the clinic are asked to also download, fill in and have with them a copy of the BVNA Consent Form for the shot. Copies of that form are available at newtown-ct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif3546/f/news/2020fluconsentform_3.

For a list of additional clinics planned this season, click here: bethelvna.org/assets/2020public-flu-clincs.

Additional information is available at Bethel VNA’s Flu Information link: bethelvna.org/clinics—-screenings.

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