Annual CT United Ride Rolls Through Town
Shrill police sirens preceded several thousand motorcycles rolling through Newtown on Sunday, September 10. Riding back roads from Norwalk through Redding, Bethel, then Newtown, riders reached Routes 302 then 25, just past noon, on their way to Bridgeport during the 17th annual CT United ride.
The ride is Connecticut's largest 9/11 tribute, according to its website, The event is "for those that lost their lives, those that gave their life, and those that continue to put their lives on the line each day to keep us safe, that's why we ride," the site states. Riders joined Executive Director Fred Garrity, Jr, for a 60-mile escorted ride through ten towns in Fairfield County.
A recent ride update thanks all who attended this year's ride, which included 2,500 participants. "We had great support and success this year, as we always do."
One rider injured along a stretch of Route 25 "is doing well," Mr Garrity wrote on a message on the website.
After the tragic events of 9/11/01, Frederick Garrity, Jr, and the Fairfield County Labor Council organized a motorcycle ride fundraiser for the initial victims of 9/11, which was held on September 30, 2001. This event attracted 500 riders. With the success and support of the first fundraising event, it was decided to continue "The CT United Ride" as a tribute event each year honoring the memories and continuing support of all affected.
The monies raised the first year through the Labor Council went to three 9/11 victim relief funds in NYC; The Police Officers fund, The Firefighters fund, and The United Way's fund. As The CT United Ride remains a tribute to 9/11 (not a fundraiser), all monies that are raised from the second year on go to the family emergency relief funds for CT Police Officers, CT Firefighters, and two local United Ways.
The CT United Ride is sponsored by the CT State Firefighters Association - the UPFFA of CT.