Youth Wrestlers Get Pointers At Free Clinic
Published: Sep 17, 2015 12:00 am
Up-and-coming wrestlers got some pointers from coaches and Newtown High School grapplers during the Newtown Youth Wrestling Association’s Introduction To Youth Wrestling clinic, at NYA Sports & Fitness, on September 12.
There will be another free clinic on Sunday, September 20, from 10 to 11:45 am — at NYA Sports & Fitness, 4 Primrose Street. The clinics are open to participants ranging from pre-kindergarteners to eighth graders. Participants have an opportunity to meet members of the back-to-back state champion Newtown High School squad and get a feel for the program. Visit for information.
Coach Curtis Urbina instructs young grapplers at the Newtown Youth Wrestling Association’s Introduction To Youth Wrestling clinic, at NYA Sports & Fitness, on September 12. There will be another clinich on Sunday, September 20, beginning at 10 am.