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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Yoga For A Cure Fundraiser Held



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For the second consecutive year, Amie Meleshkewich of Flow To Fit Yoga helped Light The Night Team “AHH…Always Have Hope!” raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) through a Yoga For A Cure fundraiser, held Friday, September 13.

A donation of $25 was requested for each participant, with all proceeds to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Each participant also received a Light The Night gift bag and bottle of water.

Ivy Pearson, captain of Team “AHH… Always Have Hope!,” said this year’s Yoga For A Cure event had more participants than last year’s t. By the start of the evening’s yoga session, 15 people were seated on yoga mats in a room at The Graceful Planet in Sandy Hook.

Before Ms Meleshkewich began the session, Ms Pearson thanked Ms Meleshkewich and everyone coming for their help in raising funds for the LLS.

The 2013 Newtown Light The Night Walk “Let’s Walk To The End Of Cancer” to support LLS will take place Saturday, September 28, at NYA Sports & Fitness Center, 4 Primrose Street. Registration opens at 5 pm, and the walk begins at 7 pm, when walkers carrying illuminated balloons of red, white, and gold will light the night. All are welcome to attend the event.

For more information or to register, visit .www.lightthenight.org/ct

Light The Night is an opportunity to remember those who have lost the fight with blood cancers, and to honor those who continue to or have won the battle against the various forms of leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and myeloma.

Every four minutes in the United States, someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer, according to information provided by LLS, and every ten minutes, someone dies. Leukemia is the leading cause of cancer death for those under the age of 20. LLS supports research in the United States, Canada, and seven other countries, with research commitment of $1,257,100 in place in Connecticut.

Before the yoga session began for the Yoga For A Cure event, Ms Meleshkewich invited the participants to dedicate their night’s yoga session to someone who they know is suffering or who has passed away due to cancer.

From left is Kristen Angell, campaign manager for Light The Night & Special Events at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society; Ivy Pearson, Light The Night Team “AHH… Always Have Hope!” captain; and Amie Meleshkewich of Flow To Fit Yoga, before a Yoga For A Cure event held at The Graceful Planet on Friday, September 13.
Amie Meleshkewich of Flow To Fit Yoga led a Yoga For A Cure fundraising event, hosted by the LLS Light The Night Team “AHH…Always Have Hope,” at The Graceful Planet.
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