Cash For Cans
To the Editor:
I wish to thank everyone who supported and helped me complete my Confirmation Project, Cash for Cans, this summer. I received and redeemed approximately 10,890 cans and raised and donated $544.50 to the Danbury Hospital Kids Care Club to help the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit give to the babies and families whatever they need.
When I was born in 2000, I had some medical problems and spent over a week in the NICU. I am grateful to all the doctors and nurses who helped me get healthy. That’s why I picked this for my service project for Confirmation. I wanted to give back and I truly appreciate your help with my project.
I want to say a special thanks to Monsignor Weiss, Mrs Gannon, monsignor’s administrative assistant, and the entire staff at St. Rose. They helped me collect bottles and cans at the St. Rose Carnival and allowed me to have a drop-off in the Church Vestibule.
I want to thank my mom, who told me about the Kids Care Club at the Hospital and my dad for helping me collect the bags of bottles and cans with his utility trailer each night. I also want to say a special thank you to my grandmother, Pat Lato, who drove me to Caraluzzi’s almost every day for two months and helped me cash in all the deposits. I would like to thank everyone at Caraluzzi’s who helped me with the bottle machines.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone at St. Rose Church and in our town for your kindness for taking the time to clean and bag all those deposits and taking them to St. Rose. I want to say a special thanks to one kind member of St. Rose who dropped off an entire trailer, filled with bags of bottles and cans.
Thank you all,
David Jensen
8th Grader
St. Rose School
14 Beaver Dam Road, Newtown September 16, 2014