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Meet The DTC Candidates Online



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Meet The DTC Candidates Online

To the Editor:

In our efforts to “bring reason back” to Newtown, the Newtown Democrats would like you to view our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/pages/Newtown-Democratic-Town-Committee/133340156761821?ref=ts&sk=wall. A number of our candidates have their own FB page as well — James Gaston for Board of Selectman, Eric Paradis for the BOE, Maureen Crick Owen for Newtown Board of Assessment Appeals, Richard Boritz for Legislative Council District 1 and Robert Edwards for Legislative Council District 2. We also have a DTC website:   www.newtownctdemocrats.org/NewtownDTC/budget.html. Take some time to familiarize yourself with some wonderful candidates. Feel free to post questions and concerns. Read about our platform and learn about some of the issues we feel are important such as Fairfield Hills, the budget, education, and the Pootatuck Aquifer.

Best regards,

Anna Wiedemann

Vice Chair Newtown Democratic Town Committee

13 Clearview Drive, Sandy Hook                        September 13, 2011

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