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UConn Offers New Liver Cancer Treatment



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UConn Offers New Liver Cancer Treatment

FARMINGTON — A new radiation treatment for liver tumors is now available at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, the only site in New England offering the specialized procedure. The treatment, called selective internal radiation therapy or SIRT, is for patients with inoperable primary liver cancer or other cancers that have spread to the liver.

Contained in minuscule spheres about the size of a speck of flour, SIRT delivers radiation to the liver. The spheres, which contain radioactive yttrium-90, are injected into the main hepatic artery and delivered directly to the cancer tumor. Since healthy liver tissue draws most of its blood from the portal vein, the spheres delivered through the hepatic artery target the cancerous tumor growth in the liver. These spheres are just large enough so that they get stuck in the blood vessels of the tumor and directly irradiate it. This ability to direct the radiation limits the amount of radiation that reaches healthy liver tissue and other parts of the body.

To determine the amount of radioactive spheres that will reach the tumor, radiologists inject a similar solution of radioactive particles that allows them to view a “snapshot” of the particle distribution, explained Ronald E. Weiner, PhD, radiopharmacist at the University of Connecticut Health Center.

“We can see how much of the radioactive spheres would reach the liver. If too much of the solution reaches healthy tissues or other healthy tissues or other healthy parts of the body, then SIRT is not an option for that patient,” he said.

“SIRT can significantly affect the length and quality of life,” said Dr Weiner, “but it’s not a cure. We try to cure cancer a little at a time.”


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