Newtown Continuing Education Courses Available
Newtown Continuing Education announced it has limited openings available in the following classes. Contact Newtown Continuing Education at 203-426-1787 for further information or to express interest in a program.
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Word for Windows Part 1 - A three-class course starting on September 21 for $89. The course will teach the basics of using Microsoft Word 2010, the best-selling word processing software. Attendees will learn how to create documents, editing techniques, text and paragraph formatting, document formatting, spell-check and thesaurus tools, cut, copy, and paste, as well as many other features. No prior word processing knowledge is necessary, but a basic knowledge of computers and Windows is expected.
Hatha Yoga 10 Classes - A ten-class course starting on September 21 for $99. Coursegoers will develop a good foundation with these easy to follow poses taught with alignment and correction. Students are asked to bring a yoga mat and towel. The course is open to all levels.
Italian for Beginners Part I - A five-class course starting on September 21 for $129. Coursegoers will learn one of the world's most beautiful languages with Lucia, a native of Italy. Students will begin to develop an Italian vocabulary, learn pronunciation and simple phrases and sentences. There is a $25 text book fee payable to the instructor the first night of class.
Clutter Therapy: Living an Organized Life - A one-time class being offered on September 22 for $29; earn about getting organized with professional organizer Karen Pierce, who will help guide students and inspire them in their quest to go from chaos to calm.
Hand Painted Furniture - A six-class course starting on September 24 for $99. Shelly Lowell, published and award- winning artist and graphic designer, will teach students how to take an old piece of furniture and turn it into a family treasure. Students will be working on a small plant stool. A supply list will be provided and discussed the first night of class so students are asked to bring a notebook. A $16 fee for the stool is payable to the instructor the first night of class.
Do It Yourself Autumn Essentials, Using Essential Oils - A one-time class being offered on September 24 for $34. Essential oils are the very essence of the plant. In this class the fragrances of fall essential oils will be used to create up to three "do it yourself" products. All supplies and instruction will be provided.
Italian for the Traveler - A five-class course starting on September 30 for $99. Attendees will learn to enhance their vacations to Italy. The course is designed to give the student the essentials to make the most of their Italian journey. The emphasis will be on what the traveler needs to know and not about studying grammar, vocabulary, or words that they are not likely to encounter.