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Casino Night To Raise Funds For Treadwell Playground



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Casino Night To Raise Funds For Treadwell Playground

The Newtown Lions Club has adopted the Treadwell Playground Project as one of its service projects. The Lions are helping the Treadwell Playground Committee, headed by Tammy Marks and Gordon Williams, to create Adventure Quest, a new colorful modular playground for Treadwell Park.

In addition to helping with the planning of the playground, the major responsibility of the Newtown Lions is to raise funds for its construction. The first major fundraiser is a Casino Night planned for Saturday, November 11, at the Fireside Inn.

Aided by Casino Productions of New Britain, the Treadwell Park committee is planning an evening of great fun with traditional gambling forms such as roulette, black jack, and craps, but also live and silent auctions. Anyone wishing to contribute an item for either of the auctions or wanting to sponsor one of the gaming tables should call Tammy Marks at 426-5333 or Gordon Williams at 426-6443.

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