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Preparing For The Board Of Education



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To the Editor:

The Board of Education is one of the most important elected entities in Newtown Governance. It looks like this year we will see several new individuals on The Board. Preparing for the role is critical to the effectiveness of the Board and maintain momentum.

I thought The Bee readers might be interested in how I am preparing, hopefully, for my participation on The Board. I believe it’s my responsibility to come up to speed on The Board’s activities over the last year and a half.

Here’s my plan, I am:

Re-reading all The Board minutes from the last 18 months, including committees.

Reviewing critical meeting videos.

Reviewing The Charter for roles and responsibilities.

Requesting a copy of the teachers and transportation contracts.

Requesting a meeting with the current and former Chairperson of the board.

Review the current budget and expenditures to date.

Keeping an open mind and respecting all opinions.

I hope this gives you confidence into how I am preparing for my, hopeful, role on The Board of Education.

Bruce Walczak


Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. qstorm says:

    Cool. You will then understand that the BoE rubber stamps the school administrators policies and teachers union requirements. (mo money). Sit quietly and let them do what they want. And do not rile up the loud minority in town that supports the social agenda being espoused in the schools. I think you’ll be fine.

  2. Jason McGillicuddy says:

    If the ability to use proper grammar and punctuation is any indication of qualification for office, I will surely not be voting for this candidate.

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