Special Donations Help Social Services Food Pantry
To the Editor:
On behalf of the Newtown Social Services Department and the clients we serve, I would like to give a big thank you to Jillian and Nate Hoag for their generous contribution to our food pantry. Nate raised over a hundred dollars for our food pantry selling lemonade at a homemade lemonade stand, and his sister, Jillian, spent time at the Victory Garden picking fresh vegetables to donate to our food pantry. It is through donations such as these that we are able to continue to provide assistance to those in need.
Our food pantry is located in the Social Service office at 3 Main Street. We are always in need of food items, and appreciate all donations. We take donations Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm. Thank you for your continued support.
Jacqueline Watson
Newtown Social Services
3 Main Street, Newtown ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ September 14, 2017