Thank You For Support
To the Editor:
Thank you to all Newtown's registered Republicans who participated in the Primary on September 12, both those who supported us and those who supported our opponents. A particular thanks to those who undertook the extra efforts of voting via absentee ballot and/or switching party affiliation to Republican in order to participate. We are humbled by your civic mindedness and efforts. We are pleased by the turnout, and the margin of results.
We want to compliment our opponents, Mary Ann Jacob and Neil Chaudhary, on a hard fought and clean campaign. They've graciously pledged support to us and urged their supporters to do likewise, steps that we appreciate as we turn eyes toward the general election campaign.
Congratulations, too, to Debbie Halstead, who will be the Republican candidate for town clerk, and condolences to Ann LoBosco, who conducted a very impressive campaign with very impressive results.
We look forward to continuing to engage the voters, hear their thoughts, and share ours in the roughly six weeks to come.
Will Rodgers, First Selectman Candidate
208 Hattertown Road, Newtown
Jeff Capeci, Selectman Candidate
52 Bear Hills Road, NewtownÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ September 13, 2017