NFA Celebrates 90 Years: Lightning Crashes Sunset Wine Tasting
Even Mother Nature joined the Newtown Forest Association’s (NFA) 90th anniversary Sunset Wine Tasting celebration Saturday, September 6. Lightning cut the darkened sky, driving many guests home. Sudden rain pushed others indoors.
But moods were bright. About the looming storm, “I think it’s beautiful,” said Jennifer Johnston, one of more than 200 attendees, but among only about 50 people who remained at the 4 to 8 pm event. Rain and lightning began around 7 that night.
Although initially worried about the weather, NFA Treasurer Guy Peterson, a little damp, but smiling, said, “We had three wonderful hours.”
A glance outdoors from the top of Holcombe Hill Wildlife Preserve — Newtown’s highest point — offered a panoramic view of a storming sky. On the hilltop facing heavy rain clouds and waiting for an-other streak of lightning was Connie Widmann. She noted the earlier “great turnout,” and said the evening was a “great event.” Soon joining Ms Widmann to enjoy the stormy view was NFA Secretary Aaron Coopersmith. The two stood near a gazebo on the lawn where several residents ducked out of the weather, but continued their own small celebration.
Indoors in a small gallery filled with NFA photos and maps above the garage at the former Josephine Holcombe residence, Evelyn Watts turned her back to the weather and received a sample of wine from server Amy Murphy. With Ms Murphy behind the small wine bar was Isabelle Duval. The buildings at the Holcombe Hill Preserve were once home to Josephine Holcombe, and now belong to the NFA. The site is used as NFA headquarters and is occupied by a caretaker.
Although many guests promptly headed downhill shortly after 7 pm to the parking area, others huddled indoors, wine glasses in hand.
Mr Peterson was in the room, with one eye on the storm and the other turned to guests. “A lot of people came and saw the property,” he said. Sipping a glass of red, Hannah Cox, who lives nearby and often walks her dog on the property’s many trails, said, “It’s my oasis.” As much as she would like to keep it her own secret sanctuary, she also believed the public should share it.
Cindy and Ross Utter looked at a poster detailing several of the NFA’s recent projects, with pictures of paths through the woods, meadows, ponds, and more on NFA properties.
Both Mr Peterson and NFA President Robert Eckenrode were pleased with the night’s turnout. “We had a full house with 250 tickets sold and a waiting list of 100 more...”
In an e-mail following the celebration, Mr Eckenrode said, “It was a wonderful experience to host an event celebrating our long history and the generosity of Josephine Holcombe and all the efforts of our NFA board members past and present to get us to where we are today” Select wines, “delicious food and a wonderful smooth jazz trio” created the “perfect opportunity to celebrate the efforts that our all-volunteer land trust has accomplished.”
Mr Eckenrode said, “I was taken by the pleasant and encouraging responses we received throughout the evening.” Guests had commented to him about the beautiful setting. He said, “The lawn and meadow setting was perfect for what turned out to be a variety of weather including blue skies and sunshine with a sunset before a light rain and fantastic light show of lightning and thunder closed the event.” That night, the NFA office opened to guests to showcase NFA efforts locally and regionally. In-side the gallery space was a silent auction, art show, and wine tasting.
“Friends, neighbors, local business owners, and our members all pitched in to share the excitement of this celebration and to laud our efforts in preserving and maintaining some of the wildest natural places here in Newtown,” said Mr Eckenrode. “This event was a success in raising the awareness of who we are as a private nonprofit land trust and it was nice to hear the stories each person had about the fond memories of our Holcombe Nature Preserve and other parcels we oversee throughout New-town.” He was pleased to see “old friends, neighbors and supporters as well as new enthusiastic folks that thanked us for what we have accomplished.”
Already the NFA members have plans for doing another event like this next year. “It will always be worth celebrating ‘keeping it wild in Newtown,’ and we invite all the members of our community, young and old, to join us in our efforts.”
Mr Peterson said the event was also very gratifying, noting, “The Sunset Wine Tasting event brought people to Holcombe Hill who have never visited any of our preserves or understood what the NFA does.”
Traditionally the interested audience and members are “primarily our immediate neighbors and those individuals with an elevated interest in open space preservation. I think attracting a new audience will help the NFA expand our membership base and the number of volunteers to help us protect the pre-serves we currently own and those that we may own in the future,” he said.
The night’s sponsors included Aquarion Water Company, Associated Refuse Haulers, WPKN, Hollandia Nursery, Red Baron Carpet, and My Place Restaurant, and many other generous supporters.
The NFA has slated the following upcoming events: a Fall Foliage Hike on Saturday, September 27, at noon on Holcombe Hill; a Full Moon Hike on Tuesday, October 7, at 7:30 pm at Holcombe Hill; and a Family Friendly Hike on Saturday, October 25, at noon at the Brunot Preserve.
Visit the recently redesigned website to learn more or to make a donation.