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Students Share School Life With Family



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Students Share School Life With Family

By Larissa Lytwyn

Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members had the chance to go back to school this week at Head O’ Meadow’s first-annual PTA-sponsored “Special Friends” breakfast.

“I knew that Bethel schools had done it, and wanted to do something, too,” said Head O’ Meadow PTA President Cathy Roche. “It’s a great way for families to get involved.”

After enjoying bagels, juice, and other goodies, students led their special guests to their classrooms. Families could interact with teachers and learn about school policies and projects that their young grandchildren, nieces, or cousins had begun working on.

“The parents have open house, and this was the chance for other family members, especially grandparents, to come and see the school,” said Kristen Cochran, the PTA’s Special Breakfast Committee chairperson.

The event was timed, she added, with consideration to the school’s scholastic book fair and recent Grandparents’ Day, nationally commemorated September 7.

Grades were divided throughout the week, with kindergartners enjoying breakfast on Monday, first graders, Tuesday, and so on. Bagels arrived steaming fresh before 8 am, when family began arriving. The breakfast would wind down by 9 am in preparation for the school’s 9:10 am start time.

“We’ve had a great turn out,” said Ms Roche. “We had about 100 people our first day, with the kindergartners.”

“It’s just been a great time,” added Ms Cochran.

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