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Small World Portraits ByDon Garbera



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Small World Portraits By

Don Garbera

DERBY — “Small World Portraits,” an exhibit of the small world which exists within the “wilds” of backyards and woodlands, is on view at the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Kellogg Environmental Center.

The show features colorful limited edition images of butterflies, ladybugs and bumblebees by the renowned nature photographer Don Garbera. It will remain on display through September 30.

The show promises to be an entertaining and informative exhibit of a miniscule world captured with a unique camera set-up by Mr Garbera, who has been a professional photographer for more than 35 years.

The Kellogg Environmental Center, operated by DEP’s Office of Communications and Education and located at 500 Hawthorne Avenue, strives to highlight Connecticut’s environment through the work of talented local artists. The center is open 9 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday through Saturday. Donations are accepted.

For further information or directions phone the center at 734-2513 or visit www.dep.state.ct.us/educ/Kellogg/index.htm.

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