A Promise Unchanged: Roussas For Board Of Finance
To the Editor:
I'm Sandy Roussas and I'm a member of the Board of Finance running for a second term. The last two years have been quite an education for me. I learned a lot about the way in which our town operates, not only from a municipal finance perspective, but also legislatively. More importantly, I learned a lot about my fellow residents. Newtown is filled with passionate people who will step up, make their voices heard, and advocate. These are the people who wrote to us or came to meetings to speak publicly not only during budget season, but also when we took up important issues, such as senior tax relief. Another important lesson learned is that it's a hard task managing different issues and interests, but the last two years has proven that there is middle ground to be found on these issues. Our fiscal health is being challenged in ways never before seen and we need to come together to listen, understand, and collaborate on the best way we can move our town forward to prosperity.
My vision and goals for Newtown are unchanged from two years ago. I still want Newtown to be affordable for everyone. I want us to maintain one of the most excellent school systems. I want residents who have laid their roots in Newtown to keep them here and grow with their children and grandchildren. With continued collaboration, understanding, and respectful discussion, all these things are possible. My motivation is also unchanged. I look to do nothing else but work hard in the service of our community. In the last two years, I've taken up senior tax relief, review of our debt policy, and changes to our Capital Improvement Projects policy to name a few topics. I'm a proud mom to two amazing elementary school children and my parents are looking to move to Newtown as retirees. I believe that my perspective is still unique and necessary. I have demonstrated my ability to work hard, as I achieved my goal of becoming a partner at my law firm during my tenure on the board - all while continuing to chaperone field trips and participate in various community and charitable events.
Finally, my promise to residents is unchanged. I promise to listen to every voice and to work toward goals that will benefit all residents. If anyone has an opinion to voice respectfully or a question to ask, I will listen and I will respond. I ask for your trust and for your vote. Please contact me by e-mail at sandyroussasbof@gmail.com or visit my Facebook page: facebook.com/roussasforBOF.
Sandy Roussas
38 Maltbie Road, Newtown ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ September 11, 2017