Proper Recycling Is No Laughing Matter
To the Editor:
An open letter to Public Works Director Fred Hurley, First Selectman Dan Rosenthal:
Please abandon so-called single stream recycling and either return to the former practice at the transfer station or to a more efficient system. You insult the intelligence of us users who conscientiously collect paper, metal, plastic, and glass; haul it to the station; and struggle to toss our offerings over the user-unfriendly high gate; only to see them (we’re not blind) merrily scrambled into the bin — broken glass, soggy paper, the works. Some stream. One of the guys at the station recently admitted that it’s a joke. Some of us are not laughing.
Recycling is an important practice. Please return to it. Please respond.
Gordon Strother
14 Laurel Trail, Sandy Hook September 9, 2019