Fire Commission Should Take Care Of Its Own<font size="3"> <br> By John Karlson</font>
To the Editor:The Newtown Bee, online at].
Okay, there is no argument that the Botsford Fire & Rescue did a stupid, bonehead thing by attaching a political placard to their fire/rescue vehicles. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
So what should we do about this disgusting, illegal, and obvious slap in the face of two groups of individuals that Robbin Allen is concerned about. [See letter "Botsford Fire & Rescue Disappoints" in September 9, 2016, issue of
How about this: bring back public floggings; no, how about bring back stocks and put them at Ram Pasture?
Maybe we should be allowing the [fire] commission to take care of this dumb action within their own organization.
Finally, to suggest that any family would fear slower response due to their political following is also just as dumb as the above mentioned action.
Thanking you in advance,
John Karlson
167 Great Quarter Road, Sandy Hook ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ September 9, 2016