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The Best We Could Get?



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To the Editor:

It has come to my knowledge that both our US senators and our congresswoman are marching in lockstep with the Obama administration on the Iran treaty.

When asked why, their answer is, “best we could get!” This is leadership? We throw our allies in the trash, we daily hear the leaders of Iran calling us names and promising to kill us, they take US hostages and will not give them up, fund terrorists, manufacture IED's that kill and destroy limbs from our service people and innocent civilians – this is the best we can get.

But wait, we are going to let them police themselves, and we are giving them (reported) $150 billion dollars - who again got the best deal?

Where is our leadership? Where is our backbone when a two-bit know-nothing country that only has oil for trade can bend us over and spank us in public?

I guess it's true – the chickens have come home to roost!

John Karlson

167 Great Quarter Road, Sandy Hook             September 8, 2015

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