GOP Asks: Where Do We Go From Here?
To the Editor:
Two years ago Republicans posed the question, “Where do we go from here?” We had been through some difficult times and have still managed to maintain a high quality of life for all citizens, support excellence in education, and promote tax relief strategies using sound financial practices. Moving forward after the 2013 elections, Republicans developed seven primary goals:
• Continued Residential Tax Relief
• Address Newtown’s Changing Demographics
• Address Continued Decline in School Enrollment
• Support School Security
• Support New Superintendent Search
• School Budget Development
• Charter Revision
In the last two years, Newtown taxpayers have begun to benefit from a collective long-term effort to reduce taxes. Republicans have accomplished this by doing a number of things including the long and ongoing efforts of improving our bond rating in the worst economic times since the 1920’s and broadening our overall tax base. We have invested in our infrastructure, improved our land use policies and that has had a positive impact in adding to our commercial tax base increasing our Grand List by $580,000. The commercial tax base is expected to continue to expand and contribute an even greater portion of revenue to the town going forward. Using our disciplined fiscal policies, we have saved over $254,000 in debt service due to our improved bond rating and collected over $100,000 in delinquent taxes.
Republicans promised to revisit the subject of senior tax relief as our second goal. We believe in supporting Newtown's seniors so that they can remain in Newtown. As forecasted many years ago, Newtown has been experiencing a change in our demographics and seniors are the largest growing population in Town. We expanded the senior tax relief program to include more of our most needy seniors and increase the amount of money applied to the program to over $1.5 million. Out of 3090 seniors who live in Newtown, 714 applied for and are receiving tax relief. It is now currently one of the most favorable senior tax relief programs in the state.
Republicans continue to believe having a public discussion about closing a school is necessary. To date, school enrollment has decreased well over 1000 students since the 2006-07 school year. While the time was not right to close a school in the last two years, we supported actions to reduce overhead commensurate with the declining enrollment by reducing buses, supporting early retirement for eligible staff members, and reducing headcount, according to the Board of Education guidelines. All of these efforts help to minimize taxes while not affecting educational programs.
What do Republicans think?
We Republicans continue to work hard for all of Newtown. We continue to develop a vision and follow through on our campaign promises. We believe all of our citizens matter and that public input is necessary to build a future for our community we will all be proud of.
To read more about how we kept our promises to the people of Newtown, please visit our website at
Carey Schierloh
6 Shady Rest Blvd., Sandy Hook September 9, 2015