Other Ways To Protest
Other Ways To Protest
To the Editor:
My intent in sending a letter regarding the war protest held a couple of weeks ago in town was to make two key points. It has nothing to do with taking pot shots about the reasons we went to war or the Presidentâs vacation schedule.
As citizens we all have the right to express our views on the policy and programs of our government. I am not questioning that, nor am I questioning the patriotism of those who oppose the war. As for Cindy Sheehan I do object when she says, âAmerican is not worth fighting for.â That attitude degrades the work and memory of her son and servicemen and women everywhere.
My key points are:
I do believe Cindy Sheehanâs legitimate protest comes from her heart. The loss of a child under any circumstances is tragic. But her son signed up to defend this country and the rights of her people â even their right to protest. I do believe, however, her protest has been hijacked by people who have only one agenda, i.e., to undo an election they are still seething over. If that were not the case the letters from other readers wouldnât comment on vacation schedules, lies, criminal conduct, and firing of advisors and other irrelevant trivia.
For anyone to think that war protests on the home front and their impact on service members is an âabsurd argumentâ is dead wrong. Clearly, that is the opinion of someone who has never heard a shot fired in anger. As a retired Army officer who has commanded units up to and including the brigade level I can assure you the troops do react to war protests. They feel their work is being demeaned and their efforts are unappreciated by the very people who they are protecting. These feelings have a huge and negative affect on morale which in turn causes poor performance and that can lead to casualties. Again if you have not been in a combat environment you really canât understand the impact these protests have on our soldiers. Commanders at all levels keep a watchful eye on troop morale; I know of not one successful commander who has not done his utmost to keep troop morale as high as possible.
If you want to protest this war then do so by writing your Congressional representatives, working the political system to make your views known and keeping the pressure on. But once young Americans are putting their lives on the line so that you can continue to live your life in the manner you want the time for public displays against the war is over.
Yours truly,
Richard P. Gottmeir
Antler Pine Road, Sandy Hook                             September 3, 2005