Inappropriate Mixed Messages
Inappropriate Mixed Messages
To the Editor:
As a resident of Newtown for many years now I have come to enjoy and look forward to the annual Newtown Labor Day parade. I still have my childhood memories of being in it with various organizations through out the years and also as a spectator.
This year I am sad to say I witnessed one of the most disturbing things during this parade that I have ever seen. As one of the military vehicles passed by waving and the crowds cheering them on, I noticed that they were throwing out items to the children (as many do) and at closer inspection to my dismay, I saw that they were plastic bullets! I understand that in this day and age recruitment is low, but this is ridiculous!
I am sure that I am not alone in saying that these sort of âfavorsâ being passed out targeting children, or for this matter anyone, is completely inappropriate. To add insult to injury, these vehicles were only minutes following the DARE program with its motto reading âDARE to resist drugs and violenceâ!
Shame on you for sending mixed messages and handing out inappropriate items to children. I am truly disappointed.
Michelle Weinstein
60 Brushy Hill Road, Newtown                            September 6, 2005