Cast A Vote For Bruce For BOE
To the Editor:
I am proud to endorse Bruce Walczak for the Board of Education. Bruce has lived in Newtown for 37 years and his children attended Sandy Hook Elementary School. I first met Bruce when I cofounded the Independent Party of Newtown (IPN) in 2007. Bruce was one of the founding members of the IPN, which was established to support the school system during a time when the two major parties in Newtown failed to adequately provide the resources needed for quality education for our children. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and Unaffiliated united to support our children.
When tragedy struck our community in 2012, my priorities shifted when I cofounded the Newtown Action Alliance to keep our children safe from gun violence in our schools and homes in Newtown and beyond. Bruce kept on keeping on supporting our community. Sixteen years after the IPN was established, Bruce continues to be devoted to providing quality education for Newtown’s children. He fully understands the issues that impact our school system. He is a true public servant. He held leadership positions at the Newtown Family Counseling Center (now Newtown Youth and Family Services) and Lions Club, where he initiated the eye screening program of 1500 Newtown students annually. He has served on the Economic Development Commission, Newtown Police Commission, and the Newtown Business Advisory Council.
I urge Newtowners to cast a vote for Bruce and other Board of Education members who don’t subscribe to extremism, who will protect our kids in our schools, and ensure that our children’s education is top priority.
Po Murray
Sandy Hook