By Richard English "/> By Richard English "/> Political Signs Ripped Off By Richard English – The Newtown Bee

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Political Signs Ripped Off<font size="3"> By Richard English </font>



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To the Editor:

As Americans, we respect each other's freedom of opinions. On my quiet cul-de-sac, my neighbor expresses support for one presidential candidate, and I express support for another, using yard signs. This is not an issue, and in fact, exemplifies the freedoms of our great country. My neighbor and I understand that America is great because people can express differing views.

This is why I was shocked to find my signs ripped from the ground and damaged one morning this past week.

The fact that someone attempted to silence a different view is troublesome.

You may wonder which candidate I support. Does it really matter? No. It does not.


Richard English

3 Curry Drive, Newtown         September 7, 2016

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