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A Grand Time <font size="3"> By Dr Robert S. Grossman</font>



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To The Editor:The Bee, introducing me as the parade marshal.

I would like to thank Beth Caldwell for my selection as Grand Marshal of the Labor Day Parade, and also for the wonderful parade.

I am also very appreciative of the help she and the parade committee offered me.

I also want to thank David Egee for providing me a 1929 Ford convertible with rumble seat for me and my great-grandchildren, and for driving us in the parade.

The parade committee did a masterful job keeping the parade moving, and preventing the large crowd of people from causing any interference.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank Shannon Hicks for the great article she wrote for

I want to thank the Newtown Ambulance Corps for providing breakfast on the parade day, and also for giving me a special hat identifying me as the parade grand marshal.

I also thank them for being judges of the parade.

There were many others who provided help in different ways. Despite the fact that I don't mention them individually, you know who I mean.

Lastly I would like to thank my granddaughter, Melissa Grossman, who helped me with my great-grandchildren - Jacob, Emma, and Hannah - while riding with me in the parade.

Thank you very much.

Robert S. Grossman, MD

Grand Marshal, 2016 Labor Day Parade

Mt Pleasant Road, Newtown         September 6, 2016

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