The Biggest Threat To America
The Biggest Threat
To America
To the Editor:
The âempty suitsâ and âpant loadsâ in Washington have stolen from the Social Security trust fund for decades to fund their âpet projects.â Why do both parties in Washington continue to reference social security as an entitlement? âWe the People,â whom have been paying into this fund, have earned the benefit. It is a social insurance program and has been one of the most successful, effective, and popular programs in this country. Social Security benefits are modest at best. It is a safety net that needs to be funded properly and not stolen from. I am all for cutting âentitlement programs.â
Letâs start by reigning in or, better yet, cutting âentitlement spending.â Itâs small potatoes, but letâs start with Washington and how it overpays itself! Letâs cut the lifetime health benefits and lifetime salaries. This âentitlement spendingâ far exceeds any value that âWe the Peopleâ receive from the work our elected officials perform. There is very little productiveness coming out of Washington. Change will never come to the greater good for all Americans when Washington lives and plays by a different set of rules. Washington is more interested in what it can take rather than what it can give. Why are âWe the Peopleâ still incurring expenses for past Presidents? Do they not get a big enough pension? Are the book deals and speaking engagements not enough? It is time to end the gravy train. Enough is enough! Since leaving office, four surviving presidents have cost the taxpayer millions. Why donât the âpant loadsâ start cutting first from within? They feel no pain!
Moving on, letâs cut that bloated, ridiculously redundant defense budget! Where is fiscal responsibility on defense spending? This country spends as much on defense as the next largest 5, 10, 15, 20 ... countries combined. You pick the number! There always seems to be money for the war mongers on defense spending. Washington, donât tell âWe the Peopleâ that you need to spend every dollar that you do for defense! Billions are unaccounted for in the wars this country has been waging for years. Where is it? Where did it go? Where is the accountability? Our current military system does more to create hostility and danger than it does to contain it. It is quite obvious that the military is the biggest piglet sucking at the government teat! The military industrial complex is entrenched and we need to stop trying to liberate these foreign dust-holes! You can add one more thing to the âempty suitsâ and âpant loadsâ that occupy Washington.. they have no cajones to do what is right for America, but want to hold sacred the incredible excesses! The biggest threat to America isnât a foreign country or its people. Itâs the spiraling debt caused by Washington!
Rich Narel
18 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                September 4, 2012