Preserving Newtown's Past, Prepared For Future
To the Editor:
As we approach the September 12 Republican Primary, I'd like to thank those who have supported me. Your hugs, handshakes and encouraging words mean more to me than you know. Seeking reelection every four years gives me an opportunity to reflect on what my job means to me, and what kind of affect I can have on the community that I love dearly.
Twelve years ago I was hired as an assistant town clerk, working under and learning from the then-Town Clerk Cindy Simon. I was fascinated by the town's history and the important records the office is charged with maintaining and preserving. Cindy encouraged me to further my education by pursuing town clerk certifications and over the past ten years I have earned every certification available.
My assistants are knowledgeable and I have passed the encouragement I had to pursue advanced education, to them. Assistant Town Clerks Renee Weimann and Aileen Barreto are certified Connecticut town clerks (CCTC), and Aileen has been working hard to earn her master Connecticut town clerk certification (MCTC).
I strive to keep the town clerk's office current on technology and make accessing records as easy as possible for residents. Land records can be purchased online and absentee ballots, voter registration, requests for marriage, death, and birth certificates, and hunting and fishing licenses are all just a click away.
Because of the close professional relationships I've built with vendors, state representatives, and fellow town clerks, I am forward-thinking and will always use all resources available such as research shared amongst my fellow clerks, contract negotiations, applying for grants to save tax payer dollars, continuing education, and most importantly, listening to the needs of our community.
I appreciate your support and hope you'll cast your vote for me on Tuesday. Here's to four more years!
Debbie Aurelia Halstead
Town Clerk
Newtown Municipal Center
3 Primrose Street, Newtown ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ September 6, 2017