Botsford Fire & Rescue Disappoints <font size="3"> <br> By Robbin Allen
To the Editor:
I was shocked, disappointed, and disgusted to see that the Botsford Fire & Rescue thought it remotely appropriate to use the Labor Day Parade and their fire trucks to stump for a presidential candidate. Since this organization solicits donations, I surmise they are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which means they have violated IRS laws which state unequivocally that engaging in political activity is strictly prohibited.
The decision to, in effect, campaign for Donald Trump by plastering their trucks with his signs is also a violation by the Botsford Fire & Rescue of the trust of the people they are supposed to protect. Given the candidate's well-known positions and divisive statements, the Trump signs were a slap in the face to Newtowners who are Muslim or Mexican descent. Should anyone with a Clinton sign on their lawns now fear slower response time from Botsford Fire & Rescue?
I call for an immediate apology to the Muslim community and to all the people of Newtown upset by these signs, and for sanctions against anyone on the Botsford Fire & Rescue who approved or supported this extremely poor decision/behavior.
Robbin Allen
45 Mile Hill South
NewtownÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ September 6, 2016