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A Slur That We Cannot Let Stand



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To the Editor

Because of my deep Southern heritage, and knowing the significance behind the term “a Jim Crow,” I was shaking in anger upon reading Bill Stevens’ letter [“Jim Crow Comes To Newtown,” Letter Hive, 8/30/13] regarding our town.

And I was going to sit back and let his choice of words speak for themselves; I was going to let him call us a slur name and walk away…let his attempt at bullying and intimidation speak for itself.

But I cannot sit aside and let that happen, because that is exactly what he wants, and Mr Stevens crossed the line of civility.

Does Mr Stevens really understand the significance behind what he called us? Does he truly understand that in the deep, deep South where I come from, that is considered hate speech?

I don’t believe he does. Because if so, surely he would have never called our beloved, recovering town such a hateful name.

And to compare “Gunsense” with the sort of racism that was occurring during that time…and our politicians that are standing up for us to the sort of people that were called “a Jim Crow”? What a dredging up of such a terrible time in our country’s history to align us with! Is using common sense to ensure gun safety the same as enslaving and abusing thousands of human beings to death because of their skin color?

I think not!  Awful, just awful…beyond comprehension.

Here’s the simple answer for all those residents of Newtown and Connecticut that are so viciously angry with “Gunsense” in our state and our precious town (because after what we have been through, we are precious!).  In fact, it is parallel to the answer they gave those of us who are upset about Starbuck’s policy of allowing guns in their restaurant: “If you don’t like it, just leave”.

But don’t call us a slur name just because you disagree.

Mr Stevens’ hate speech letter bespoke volumes about his character. But he can go ahead and keep banging his head against the wall using his hate speech, because those here in Newtown, where we believe in the Right to Life first, we are never backing down.

Liz Sortino

13 Turkey Roost Road, Sandy Hook             September 4, 2013

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