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They're The Tops!



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They’re The Tops!

To the Editor:

TOPS, Take Off Pounds Sensibly #134 Danbury would like to thank the following people for the help and support we received on our float for the Labor Day parade.

All the TOPS members, from 134 Danbury, that helped on the float… gave moral support… and walked with us, Janis, Barbara B., Frances, Marie, Ann C., Bernadette, Bob, Stephany, Dave, Lottie, Anne F. Ronnie, Ruth, Mary Jo, Joanne, Lillian K., Karen, Sheila, Ann L., Flo, Sally, Linda, Jeanette, Dot, Richard, Rosemary, Terry, Betty, Gay, Barbara S., Pat, Janet, Sandy, Mary, Kim, Lillian, Midge, and Joyce White from North Branford that also walked.

Daniel Cruson came and helped us with the original writing on the billboard that was on Deadman’s Curve, Stephany and Dave Fanning who walked from the ambulance garage to the general store and carried back 3-5 gallon buckets of water. Hawleyville Fire Department that replenished our water supply that leaked out on the way there, they filled our waterfall and pond again.

Janis and Tom Anderson for the use of their car. Aggie O’Marra for the flowers at the end of the parade. Thanks to Newtown for an excellent parade, thanks to all who watched the parade.

Richard Merrill, co-leader, and Betty Presnell, leader and area captain, appreciate each one of you.

Betty Presnell

86 The Boulevard Ext, Newtown    September 6, 2000

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