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Grateful For Newtown VNA Support



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To the Editor:

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Newtown Visiting Nurses Association for choosing our initiative to be the recipient of monies received at their thrift shop sale August 24th. And, thank you to the Bee for covering this story, Newtown VNA Holds Donation Sale After Storm, Proceeds Going To Suicide Prev | The Newtown Bee. The monies will be used to help us further our initiative.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness month. While suicide prevention must be addressed year-round, the month of September reminds us all that we can take the time to learn more, seek help, offer support and open our hearts and minds to vulnerable conversations. Please take the time to educate yourself, support the people in your lives, and take action to reduce suicide rates on a massive scale.

We can break the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health. Storytelling is a powerful tool to normalize these conversations.

We had a table set up at the Labor Day parade with 988 bracelets and brochures. Four high school boys stopped by and took bracelets. We asked if they knew what this was all about. They replied yes. We asked them to look out for each other. Their responses were “yes” and “yes ma’am.” That is one small step in bringing awareness to our community. We will continue to take those small steps.

Please know that asking for help is a sign of strength — not weakness. If you’re in a crisis, please dial 988 to reach the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Maureen Crick Owen and Anna Wiedemann

Co-Chairs, Newtown Suicide Prevention Initiative

A letter from Maureen Crick Owen and Anna Wiedemann.
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