Cub Scout Pack 170 Slates Ice Cream Social
Cub Scout Pack 170 invites all boys entering first through fourth grade, and siblings, to an ice cream social slated for Thursday, September 12, in the pavilion at Treadwell Park, 39 Philo Curtis Road, from 6 to 7:30 pm.
The event is an opportunity for parents and kids to enjoy some treats and learn more about the opportunities being a Cub Scout provides.
In addition to registering new scouts, Cub Scout Pack 170 will also be reregistering current scouts for the 2013-14 scout year.
Registration is $55, which can be paid for with cash or with a check payable to Pack 170. For the optional subscription to Boys’ Life magazine, add $20, or $12 if new to scouting.
New and returning scouts must also bring a completed Boy Scouts of America Annual Health & Medical Record form to the event. The form is available online; only Parts A and B are needed.
Parents are also asked to bring copies of the front and back of the scout’s insurance card. Scouts without a current form on file by September will not be permitted to participate in pack activities.
Adults signing up a scout can also contact John Gonski, committee chair, at 203-426-6011 or for information about helping the pack.
For additional information regarding registration, contact Patrick Cooney, membership chair, at 203-270-7718.