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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Yoga Master To Lead Meditation Programs



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Yoga Master To

Lead Meditation Programs

WOODBURY – Shri Anandi Ma, internationally known master of Kundalini Maha Yoga, will give public meditation programs locally in September. On Friday, September 8, and Saturday, September 9, free public programs will be held at the Woodbury Yoga Center at 7 pm.

Among those who practice yoga and meditation, Shri Anandi Ma is considered to be an enlightened master who has the ability to awaken the evolutionary power present in each individual. When awakened, this spiritual force leads to higher states of consciousness. This practice of yoga is considered by its proponents to be a significant tool to develop humankind on the spiritual plane – a way to peace, prosperity, well being and love.

Each program will include a talk on different aspects of yoga and spirituality, meditation instructions, meditation, and a question and answer period. There also will be an opportunity to meet Shri Anandi Ma personally.

Parking is limited. Donations will be accepted. The Woodbury Yoga Center is located at 122 West Side Road in Woodbury. For more information, call Chris Gleason at 262-6280.

Other programs also are planned at the Yoga Center. On August 27 at 6:45 pm, Pam Natale and friends will give a talk entitlted “Being in Relationship with a True Spiritual Teacher: The Joys and Lessons.” This is the third in a special series to help the public learn more about Sri Anandi Ma, the path of Kundalini Maha Yoga, and Shakipat.

The program is free to the public. After the talk and discussion, meditation instructions will be given and a silent group meditation will be held. A social gathering with tea will follow. Instructions are from a range of backgrounds. For more information and a schedule of upcoming programs, call the yoga center at 263-2254.

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